
PLC Sydney Preschools aims to equip children to become successful lifelong learners, develop the skills they need for a smooth start to formal schooling and provide them with the ability to navigate an ever-changing world.

Why PLC Sydney Preschools?

PLC Sydney Preschools is in the very fortunate position of drawing on the highest educational standards. PLC Sydney is known for exceptional teaching and learning, for outstanding co-curricular programs, and for its well-rounded approach to educating children.

Our reputation in quality education speaks for itself - over 130 years successfully educating students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. We are proud to incorporate this expertise into our preschool program.


Our Program and Services

Our teaching utilises a play/inquiry-based learning framework informed by the National Early Years Learning Framework and the Reggio Emilia philosophy and methodology. Our aim is to support your child’s natural curiosity and encourage their eagerness to learn.

Our creatively constructed indoor and outdoor learning environments help develop and challenge children and put them on a path to school readiness.


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