
Enquire Now

Waitlist Registration to PLC Sydney Preschools for both girls and boys is the first step in the enrolment process. This can be done by clicking the Enquire Now button and completing the Enquiry Form.

You will also be asked to nominate:

  • Your proposed calendar year of entry
  • The relevant PLC Sydney Preschools program for your daughter or son, and
  • The PLC Sydney Preschool Centre location they wish to attend [currently only Ashfield Preschool is open].
Enquire Now

What you need to know to enrol

Please note Waitlist Registration applies for 2024. 2025 and beyond are treated as registered expressions of interest and will be invited to waitlist the calendar year before.

  • 2024 is at full capacity. The 2024 waitlist is now closed.
  • 2025 is at forecast capacity. The 2025 waitlist is now closed—we are no longer accepting waitlist requests.
  • 2026 and future years are expressions of interest.

After your Application for Enrolment has been processed, a letter of acknowledgement will be sent from the Preschools. Registration is not a guarantee of a place, but it is usually possible for the school to give an idea of the likelihood of when the confirmation will occur and we will confirm in writing that your child has been waitlisted for the year requested.

The offer of a place at PLC Sydney Preschools is dependent upon the initial date of receipt of Registration and Equal Priority of Access as outlined by the NSW Department of Education (as listed below).

Age Requirements

To attend a PLC Sydney Preschool your child MUST have turned 3 years old before their commencement.

Given the high number of interest we are receiving for future enrolments, we are no longer accepting general 3-year-old waitlist registrations. We will waitlist your child in the year that they turn 4 if they turn 4 by 31 July that year. If not they will be waitlisted for the following year.

View Fees

We offer a two, three or five-day program.

View our curriculum program

Equal Priority of Access

The NSW Department of Education has set guidelines to assist services with making enrolment decisions, in a way that seeks to allocate places to those in the greatest need.

PLC Sydney Preschool is required to give equal priority of access to the following groups:

  • children who are at least 4 years old on or before the 31 July in that preschool year and not enrolled or registered at a school
  • children who are at least 3 years old on or before the 31 July in that preschool year and/or from low income and Aboriginal families
  • children with English Language needs
  • children with disability and additional needs
  • children who are at risk of significant harm (from a child protection perspective)

Having satisfied the requirements of the Commonwealth Priority of Access guidelines, determination of an offer of a place at the Preschool, will be allocated based on the following criteria:

  • registered siblings and/or children of current PLC Sydney staff
  • children or grandchildren of ex-students according to their initial date of registration

The remaining places are offered by the receipt date of the initial registration.

NB: There is no order of priority assigned to the list above, however priority must be given to the groups outlined above before any other groups, including non-equity three year olds.

All other enrolment offers at PLC Sydney Preschools are dependent upon the initial date of receipt of Waitlist Registration.

The Offer and Enrolment Agreement

If PLC Sydney Preschools offers the family a place at the Preschool, they will be notified in writing, with either an offer of enrolment or advised that they have been placed on a waitlist.

Please be advised that waitlist status is no guarantee that places will eventually become available. If families choose to accept the offer of a place, they are required to read and accept the PLC Sydney Preschools Conditions of Enrolment, sign the Enrolment Agreement and pay a non-refundable Enrolment Fee, currently set at $750 per child.

Parents of girls, please note that acceptance into the PLC Sydney Preschools does not guarantee enrolment into PLC Sydney and parents must complete a separate enrolment process for Kindergarten.

Please note: Acceptance into the PLC Sydney Preschools does not guarantee enrolment into PLC Sydney and parents must complete a separate enrolment process for Kindergarten. Students who progress from PLC Sydney Preschools to Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten at PLC Sydney, will pay an additional $950 when enrolling at the College. 

Contact Us

Our team is happy to answer any further questions you might have, however the best way to learn more about PLC Sydney Preschools is to come and see us for yourself.

Contact Us

Our Policies

PLC Sydney Preschool's key policies are statements of our principles, values and intent, that helo guide our daily work and determine our decision.

View our Policies

Apply to Enrol

Once you have read all the information above, you're ready to register and begin your child's PLC Sydney Preschool journey.

Please note: Acceptance into the PLC Sydney Preschools does not guarantee enrolment into PLC Sydney and parents must complete a separate enrolment process for Kindergarten. Students who progress from PLC Sydney Preschools to Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten at PLC Sydney, will pay an additional $950 when enrolling at the College.